Fick tipset av Eva efter mitt senaste inlägg om S. J. Bolton att mera Lacey Flint visst är på gång ut. Måste skärpa till mina google-skills på direkten. Jag ska ändå föreställa gammal journalist... Nåväl, det viktigaste är ju att jag snart får hetsläsa mig igenom en ny underhållningsdeckare om min favoritpolis. Lyckligaste lycka!
A dark and twisted tide är fjärde boken i serien och kommer ut i maj. Det verkar kunna bli hur bra som helst. Lyssna bara på detta:
Young policewoman Lacey Flint knows that the Thames is a dangerous place – after all, she lives on it and works on it – but she’s always been lucky. Until one day, when she finds a body floating in the water. Who was this woman and why was she wrapped so carefully in white burial cloths before being hidden in the fast-flowing depths?
DCI Dana Tulloch hates to admit it, but she’s fond of the mysterious Lacey. Even if she keeps on interfering in her investigations, and is meddling with the latest floater case. But now she's got to break some terrible news to her - news that could destroy Lacey's fragile state of mind.
And Lacey will need to keep her wits about her because there's a killer that's lurking around her boat, leaving her gifts she'd rather not receive . .
Åååååå, jag gläder mig!
Susanna Mattsson
Bokia Killbergs Jägersro
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